A vehicle tracking system combines the installation of an electronic device (transmitter) in a vehicle, or fleet of vehicles, with purpose-designed computer software at least at one operational base to enable the owner or a third party to track the vehicle's location, collecting data in the process from the field and deliver it to the base of operation. Vehicle information can be viewed on electronic maps via the Internet or specialized software.
Tracking a vehicle is now possible for a spy using global positioning system directly by access through your computer using PRO-TRAK GPS satellite system. This military technology proves useful to spy tracking a vehicle i.e. from which street and which area does the vehicle pass by. Once activated, the GPS can be installed anywhere in any convenient location in vehicle. Unit can easily be moved from one vehicle to another. This unit operates using GPS and GSM technology. In this way, location, time, speed of vehicle, street address and the last stop details can be fetched and the subject may be tracked accordingly.
A spy needs to keep an eye on his suspects as to where they go, whom they meet, etc. This tracking system enables the spy by just sitting on his pc; accessing the details of vehicle tracked by installing a transmitter in the subject’s vehicle. A spy’s work becomes easy using GPS tracking system otherwise, a spy would have to personally follow the subject’s vehicle; which has a tremendous risk leading to a negative report in his
investigation . A spy must always do his work safely and secretly so that his
investigation does not get any whistle blowers nor any risk that might interrupt his
investigation .